This story was perfection. When I read the blurb I knew I had to have it. Add in the fact Aly Martinez wrote it and I have been holding my breath waiting for it. The Fighting Series is one of my all-time favourite ugly cry series so I was scared this one couldn’t live up to the high standards I expect from Aly’s books but damn was I blown away by this one.

I always step away from Aly’s books feeling like I have been through an emotional wringer, but I always feel like a better person for having read them. I love that she doesn’t shy away from sensitive topics but instead highlights and educates.

This was a story about 2 strangers from different worlds meeting on a bridge in the middle of the night and each becoming concerned for the others safety and mental well-being. While they each return to ensure the others safety a friendship is built that helps each of them rebuild their lives.

While the overall theme is a serious one this book had so many moments of Laugh out loud funny, smoking hot sex, sizzling as fuck chemistry and some of the best characters I have read this year. There were so many layers I couldn’t even begin to explain the utter perfection of it. So instead I will simply say it is a major must read for this year. If you’re a fan of Aly’s work or if you have yet to try it you must go out and buy this book right now.


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